Southern house spiders (Kukulcania hibernalis) are a common pest problem in Birmingham homes, and their appearance can vary by gender. Females are large, dark brown to black, and can grow up to 2 inches with a velvety texture and rounded abdomen. Conversely, males are smaller, tan, and often mistaken for brown recluse spiders due to their longer legs and slimmer bodies.
Southern house spiders are larger and darker than brown recluses. Brown recluses have a distinctive violin-shaped marking on their back, while southern house spiders do not. Males may resemble brown recluses but lack the violin marking and have longer legs. If you’re unsure, it’s best to contact a pest control expert for identification.
Southern house spiders primarily feed on insects and other small arthropods. Their funnel-shaped webs catch flies, moths, ants, and other pests. After capture, house spiders wrap their prey in silk to immobilize them and then inject venom that causes paralyzation. The venom breaks down the prey’s internal tissues, allowing the spider to consume the liquefied contents.
No, southern house spiders are not dangerous. While they have venom to subdue their prey, their venom is not medically significant to humans, so we consider them non-venomous, unlike brown recluse spiders. House spider bites are rare and typically result in mild irritation at most.
They prefer quiet, undisturbed areas such as closets, basements, attics, room corners, and behind furniture. They also hide in cracks and crevices around windows and doors.
Southern house spiders enter homes searching for food or shelter, especially during seasonal changes. Gaps, cracks, and poorly sealed windows or doors make it easy for them to get inside. If they find a way in and there are plenty of insects to feed on, you’ll keep seeing these arachnids in your home until you take action.
For relief from house spiders and the pests they eat, we recommend signing up for ongoing home pest control services. At Acre Pest Control, we offer year-round pest treatments targeting spiders, ants, and other common house-infesting pests. Contact us today to learn more about our plans!
To keep spiders out of your home, try implementing the following spider prevention tips:
If you’re dealing with a house spider problem in the Birmingham metro, including Pelham, Helena, and Hoover, contact Acre Pest Control for effective pest treatments that will keep your home free of spiders and other pests.
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